Kids' Skills Canada is accredited by the the Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute.

What is Kids' Skills?

The Kids' Skills program was designed to help children 4 years of age and older learn new skills and overcome social, behavioral, and emotional challenges. This program works better than many other approaches, because it focuses on learning skills instead of solving problems. Children do not like to focus on problems, but they have a natural inclination to learn skills. Parents, teachers, and other professionals who work with children can learn to use Kids' skills.


The Kids' Skills program is based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and was developed at the Helsinki Institute for Brief Therapy by psychiatrist Ben Furman and his colleges Tapani Ahola, Sirpa Birn, and Tuija Terävä. For more information, visit the Kids' Skills website

Kids' Skills Canada

Kids' Skills Canada is accredited by the the Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute and is responsible for training and accreditation for the Kids' Skills program across Canada. We offer training and material in English and in French. We also distribute workbooks in Canada. You can email us here.



Our Kids' Skills training is intended for practitioners who work with children (psychologists, social workers, psychoeducators, special education technicians, etc.) and it can be adapted for elementary school teaching staff and principals.


Goals :

  • Understand the basic principles of the Solution-focused approach
  • Create an agreement with the child on a skill to learn
  • Use the steps of the Kids' Skills program to motivate and guide the child in learning a new skill
  • Apply the principles and steps of the program with groups.


  • 2-day training (10 hours)
  • Groups of 6 to 20 participants
  • Accreditation program available for those who want to continue their training 

Request group training for your team:

Detailed description: Kids' Skills Training
Kids Skills training.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 127.6 KB

Want to learn more?



Kids' Skills app (iPhone and Android) 

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